Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Nigerian Eagle Interviews Lola Akinmade: See her vision of why she wants to explore the North Pole

The Nigerian Eagle interviews Lola Akinmade an adventurous journalist who embodies the essence of a creative spirit. She is Editor for Matador Goods and her life long work in photography and travel writing are characterized by vibrancy and hope. Her work has been seen in many international publications such as Vogue, National Geographic Traveler, BBC, and Guardian UK to name a few. Most Nigerians have never seen snow, but Lola is on a quest to go to the North Pole to expand her travel writing. Read this inspiring interview to get an inside glance on her journey to becoming a writer and why she wants to go to the North Pole.

Why would you like to go to the North Pole and do a documentary

Beyond this being a fantastic travel opportunity, this was specifically my childhood dream. Not Antarctica. Not Greenland. But the North Pole. I remember sitting in Mr. Kayode’s geography class (my favorite) in secondary school, an atlas in my hand looking at political boundaries; countries way beyond my reach at that time. I constantly joked about it with family and friends. “I will reach the North Pole,” I often said, oblivious to the fact that I was sitting in tropical sub-Saharan Africa and had never seen snow at that time. I never, ever in my wildest dreams would have thought I’d be a few votes and judges away from realizing that dream. Never.

So I sincerely need everyone’s votes to please get me there -

If chosen to go on this trip, I believe the bigger lesson would be that nothing is beyond your reach as long as you can dream big enough to get there.

Most Nigerians stay away from regions with lots of snow what actually attracts you to these regions?

I’ve always been a curious child and my love for geography did nothing to quell that curiosity. Exploring beyond boundaries and borders underlies my work as a writer and photographer, and part of the fun is putting yourself in culturally and physically challenging situations to help build character and a tougher skin. Yes, I’m naturally not a fan of snow, but over time, I’ve learned to adapt to it and truly see its beauty -
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