Thursday, April 4, 2013

Austria: Nigerian Dies In Prison - Global Reporters Vienna.

Late Victor Osele
 A Nigerian prisoner in Austria, Victor Osele (31) from Ekpoma in  local government    area of EdoState, has been reported dead in hospital in Krems, Lower Austria.  Information reaching Global Reporters Vienna has it that he died on 21.03.2013.
 Speaking to us from Ireland, Mrs Joy Ositadimma said that Mr Victor Osele had been her uncle and that she had spoken to him on phone two weeks ago and there had not been any complaint of him being sick and as such was at shock to hear about his death.
According to a report on 05.03.2013 in one of the Austrian newspapers called ‘Krone’, there was a swine influenza alarm behind bars in Göllersdorf prison in Lower Austria, where late Victor Osele had been imprisoned. While four prisoners were reported to be in the hospital with heavy symptoms of disease, two of them were said to be in critical conditions.
Unconfirmed and sketchy information made available to Global Reporters Vienna revealed that Osele got critically ill and was taken to a hospital in Krems were he was reported to have died. Whether he was also one of those affected by the swine influenza is what we equally cannot vouch. Two Nigerians are said to be at this Göllersdorf prison presently.
Göllersdorf prison in Lower Austria where late Victor Osele had
been imprisoned and that is still a home for two Nigerian prisoners.

Our investigation revealed that Osele would have been buried in Austria yesterday (27.03.2013) but through the intervention of the lawyer that has been handling his case his burial was shifted to the 4.04.2013 with the reason that his relative in Ireland would like to be present at the funeral. Mrs Joy Ositadimma, who is the one expected from Ireland may still not be available for the burial as the time may be short for her to obtain an Austrian visa from Ireland before the burial date
 We contacted Osele’s brother in Nigeria, Mr Friday Osele who said, “Victor Osele is my younger brother but for years now I have not heard from him only to get this sad news that he is gone. The entire family is devastated and we are in sorrow and confused. […] we are financially handicapped to fight to know the cause of our Victor’s death”. He made an appeal to the Nigerian Embassy and Nigerians in Austria to help the family bring his body home or at least give him a befitting burial in Austria.
When our reporter took the pains and called the commercial telephone “call and pay” line of the Nigerian Embassy Vienna for inquiries and to also share some vital information, all what he got were insults from one Sunny Akpan at the embassy. After the reporter explained his mission to the receptionist, he was connected to an office. But immediately after the formal introduction was done, on mentioning the death of a Nigerian in prison, the embassy worker, Akpan halted him and said “Mr Uzoma, we are on top of it” with a hard and very unfriendly tone. And when the reporter told him that he was aware that the embassy had since been informed but that he wanted just to make inquiries and …, Akpan did not allow him to land as he said “I am not in position to give you any information”. The reporter tried to explain to him that he was there to serve Nigerians and ought to be polite and listen to whatever they have to say especially with this “call and pay” telephone line that is too expensive. And disappointingly Akpan said, “I have a lot of work to do and don’t have any time” as he banged the phone on the reporter.
The team of Global Reporters Vienna appeal to Nigerians in Austria to forget about their differences and come out in mass and give Victor Osele a befitting burial.
May the soul of the departed rest in peace!
Global Reporters Vienna

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